Business Culture

What is Business Culture? Business culture is not just how the individuals within an organisation understand it, but also how others perceive a business. It is easy to see that one business is different from another.  however, it is also possible to ‘feel’ how […]

Provide More Value

Before a business can provide more value to its customers, it must have a clear understanding of value. What is Value? Value can be defined as the importance, worth or benefit of something to someone. The ‘value’ of something is not a fixed commodity, […]

The New Normal

As Government relaxes the Covid-19 measures, it is only natural to consider the future but what will be the new normal? What is the new Normal? This is time to see things as they really are, to think about what impact the last few […]


Right now is the time for leadership, whether it’s at work or in your home. People need strength, and someone to aspire to. But what is a leader? There are thousands of definitions of leadership, google it and you will find pages upon pages […]


I’m constantly amazed by the number of small businesses that do not carry out regular reviews. If you have made plans or set goals and targets you must carry out reviews to constantly learn, implement and improve to ensure you meet these targets. Of […]

Practicing Gratitude

Practicing Gratitude is especially important  with all the uncertainty that comes with COVID-19. What is fear?  Fear is something we all feel as a natural response to physical danger.  But it can also be self-created, such as the fear of failure, of the dark, […]

Effective use of Time

Effective use of time is especially important when you find yourself working from home due to COVID-19. Time is a finite resource, there are only 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week and 365 days in a year a total of […]

Reset Your Goals

Covid-19 means things have changed, but they are always changing.  The only constant is change. If you have a business plan then I suggest you take time to re-examine your goals and plans for the year ahead.   Instead of letting those previous plans linger […]