Course Dates

This is where you would normally find out what courses are running and how many spaces are available.

This year Andy’s PhD research into ‘Low carbon Fuels’ is taking up more of his time.

To this end, most of his time is spent at the Gas Turbine Research Centre in Port Talbot.

His mission is to ‘save the internal combustion engine’.

Andy cannot support as many Independent Aftermarket Training Events as he would like.

However, he will be attending or speaking at the events listed below.
Be warned he will want to talk ‘H2’.

The Training we offer

Vehicle Technology

The pace of technological change in the Automotive Industry means standing still results in getting left behind. We have developed a number of courses that reflect these changes and enable you to perform an accurate diagnosis quickly.

Electrical Fault Finding

This is the foundation for all electrical and electronic testing. With the tips and techniques taught and practised in this course, you will gain confidence in testing circuits. If you haven’t had any formal training in electrical testing or want to know where to start then this is it.


Being a good technician doesn't always mean you will be good in the business of running a garage. So we put together a number of courses that are designed to help garage owners who want to improve how they go about the ‘Business’ of running a garage

Oscilloscope Training

Is your oscilloscope gathering dust, or holding the office door open? Then we can help. This is where you can sign up for a FREE Oscilloscope ‘basics’ guide and view video content that will help you get ‘scoping’. If you have got a grasp of the basics but want to develop your ability we also have an advanced scope course too.

Take Some Time to Find Out More

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What Our Delegates Say About Us

Very Interesting course, totally different approach to diagnostics from what I've been taught on manufacturers courses.
S Harris
Garage Owner